Ive narrowed it down to two possible things.. either i can have a rant about these new fancy bubblewrap type sealed packages that manufacturers imprison our newly purchased goodies in.. You know the kind: you attack them with scissors, knives, screwdrivers and any other sharp object you can get your hands on and still the only pay off for your efforts is a trip to the first aid box to doctor the war wounds that were just inflicted upon you. I swear, they do it on purpose and use some alien superstrength NASA material for the packaging! After batteling with the bubble round this particular object for the better part of 30 minutes, i lulled it into a false sense of security and walked away in order to engage the help of the most destructive being in the house - The Cooper! His sharp teeth soon had the evil bubblewrapped punctured in several places. Victory!!
Or i can show you some yummy chocolate that never made it OUT of their packaging, because every time i go to bite their heads or tummies, or other body part, i feel guilty...
I know.. how about this, as i am writing this up late, a good punishment would be to have to include BOTH photos right?? Problem solved then, i dont need to choose one photo and you get to see both of my somewhat lacking photos!

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