Wednesday 15 February 2012

Day 46 - Bloom

Luckily i won't have to cheat for today and repost a photo of my single rose from yesterday, because i am married to the greatest guy ever! He seriously cannot go into a shop and not come out with something for me... even when we said NO presents, he still manages to get a way around it... Anyway, today's story should be quite funny :) DH came back on monday from buying a valentine's card (and the naughty presents) for me, but also had a separate bunch of flowers for me. Im not really a flower kind of girl, i manage to kill them just by looking at them, but lately i seem to have developed a knack for keeping one bunch in the hallway alive. So, yesterday he presents me with my single rose and says sheepishly.. the woman i bought these from gave me a RIGHT look. Apparently when he bought the flowers, she asked him "do you want them wrapped together or individually", of course, he said.. individually.. she then glared at him and went "RIGHTEEEOOOHHH then SIR, i wont EVEN ask".. now my poor hubby is an extremely shy and loyal guy, he went bright red and mumbled.. "no theyre BOTH for my wife, honestly" but somehow he got the impression that this lady didnt buy into it, as the reception he got from there on in was quite cool and reserved. What makes it worse is that we bought my wedding flowers and every other bunch of important flowers from this shop, so she knows us both quite well :D i am kind of tempted to buy MIL a bunch of flowers to take next week just so i have an excuse to go in and hear the lady's side of the story :D :D Here is a quick snap of the "other" flowers...


  1. Poor husband of yours, he is such a sweet guy !!!!

  2. hehe, it's quite sweet of the shop lady to be miffed on your behalf though! Poor hubby. Beautiful flowers :)

  3. Lovely story, lovely husband, lovely pic!
