Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Day 164 - Antique

Suzie.. im running out of old, tattered things now :D

I was originally quite stumped by today's word and was going to take a photo of the bracelet my mother in law bought me for my wedding day, that will one day be an antique. It was on my way to retrieve it that i noticed the old iron victorian fire places we have in two of our bedrooms. They are not in use (but could be if we wanted to) anymore and sadly the previous owner painted over them, but at least they did not remove them and board up the walls as so many other people would have done. We will probably to the same in the boy's bedrooms at some stage, but rather than removing them we will put false walls in front of them.


  1. I used to have one like this in my bedroom when I was a little girl, they are very beautiful ! xxx

  2. I love them, and they are quite nice painted white as well.. x

  3. I love fireplaces like this. We had a coal fire in our first house and i still miss the roaring fire in the middle of winter.

  4. My nans house used to have these fireplaces upstairs- I think they are lovely.

  5. I love them too, I like them white too.

  6. Gorgeous antique. Not deprived of it.
