Sunday, 18 November 2012

Blogging on a phone

Is a lot quicker and easier than doing it on the pc ... No need for HTML or formatting and I can put the photos up straight from Instagram


I've already covered the book story so I won't bore you all again and you've seen my kindle and tablet so here is my rather sorry looking book collection.

The most willing and obvious subject for this matter: the cooperoo in action! Here he just got ready to pounce on his ball


  1. Cooper is sooo like Holly. I think Holly is a border collie with a German Shepherd overcoat! She looks at her toys just like that just before she pounces.

  2. Hi Nicky, I like the 1st book on the left "It's me or the dog". I think I saw a part of the show on TV once and I must say the dogs were kind of nightmares on 4 paws !
    Coopie looks so sweet in black and white. xxx

  3. You've got some interesting books there.
    Cooper look like he is having a good time.

  4. Love collies, they are so playful

  5. Love the playful Cooper xxxx

  6. great picture of cooper and plenty of books there :)

  7. Great dog - playful Cooper - really looks perfectly in black and white.
    I like this your post - has a nice calm.
    Thanks for the comment on my blog.
