Thursday, 6 December 2012

Today is St. Nikolaus Day

And my names day... Being roman catholic my patron Saint day is almost more important than my birthday. But living in England now we don't celebrate it anymore ... Makes me feel like a bad mum because I remember how much I looked forward to 6th December and finding my present and beautifully made up plate overflowing with sweets and nuts and oranges! I should have done the same for
my children but never got around to it.

I wish I could be one of those super mums that can make Christmas magical...

Anyway here are the photos.. Pretty far fetched this time I'm afraid


  1. These are beautiful pictures, Nicky. I also thought about St Nikolaus today. Happy name's day. xxx

  2. Happy name's day,Nicky!
    Really sorry - I forgot!
    /My husband also had a feast! I've been busy - I do not even have time to blog./
    Beautiful pictures!
