Saturday, 11 January 2014

Day 11 - Carry

Despite the latest downs, I'm determined to stick with the challenge! And I'm managing to take 2 photos at the moment, they're not "bowl you over, fantastic, creative" shots ( and you would have thought that after three years I'd have learned something) but they are little snippets of my life! 

Our dailysnappers word for today was carry ... So here I am, carrying the shopping basket

And the Lucky7 colour is pink, not so very long ago, I could have given you 1000s of pink things, but it seems that nowadays my pink crocs, pink polka dotted pjs and pink monsters on my socks is all I can easily locate


  1. i like the snipets of life pictures, i have the same pink crocs too, lol

  2. Lovely idea for pink. Sorry you've had some downs and hope things improve

  3. Nicola I think I have the top to your trousers!!! I too love snippets of peeps lives :) Feeds my nose!!! :)
